A writer and artist dedicated to multiple genres, Meg Pontecorvo earned an MFA in Poetry Writing from Washington University in St. Louis and is a 2010 graduate of the Odyssey Writing Workshop. Meg has published a novelette, Grounded, in Asimov's, and her artwork in collage and pen has been featured in experimental video performances in the Bay Area. A native of Philadelphia, she grew up in the Midwest and now shares a small apartment with her partner and cats in San Francisco, where she cooks in a tech free kitchen.


Kickstarter for Brazillian Solar Punk Anthology translation and US publication

SOMETHING SOLAR PUNK THIS WAY COMES: You'll want to get in on : My publisher is starting a kickstarter to fund the translation and US publication of a great anthology of Brazilian Solar Punk Stories -- Kickstarter will be from August 14 to September 14, and one of the rewards as a "Sci-Fi Six Pack," which will include my novella "Murder In The Generative Kitchen" .

meeting of the minds

Meg meets with World Weaver Press Editor Sarena Ulibarri in Sante Fe,
en route to the Taos Toolbox Workshop, June 2017.

novella "Murder In The Generative Kitchen" - World Weaver Press

A reading from MURDER IN THE GENERATIVE KITCHEN will happen next Sunday February 19th at Borderlands SciFI Book Store in San Francisco...

Made the ANALOG Magazine Reference Library list:

ANALOG Reference Library List: Murder In The Generative Kitchen


or at AMAZON

--> Amazing Stories REVIEW : Amazing Stories Magazine
--> A good story PROMO at the first of this vid : SSF Mailbag Monday

Oct 6th Come Celebrate the Launch of 
Murder In The Generative Kitchen
with a Music/Spoken Word performance 
by Meg Pontecorvo, Cartoon Justice and more
at Octopus Literary Salon, Oakland, Ca.

short story "Grounded"

in Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine
Oct/Nov 2013 issue

Writing - speculative fiction.
Visual Art - ink, mixed media. collage, painting,
collaborative media...